Monday, February 25, 2008

Easy Chicken/Veg Stirfry that Kids Will Eat!

My friend, Lynn, is an amazing gourmet cook. The other night she served an exotic meal that I couldn’t manage under the best of circumstances…parmesan cheese baskets with salad, crème brule, an incredible chicken, and a spinach side dish with some fantastic cheese that I can’t pronounce, much less remember. I love to eat. I really don’t love to cook.

A couple weeks ago, Lynn’s 12-year-old son was over for supper. I had planned to make Vietnam Fried Rice (with modifications) from the More With Less cookbook. I thought he would hate it. I make my kids eat main dishes full of veggies, but I don’t assume the same of guest children. I almost changed the menu, but I couldn’t figure out an easy alternative, so I crossed my fingers and served it anyway. I figured the worst that would happen was that he’d eat again when he got home. Imagine my shock when he ate not one helping, but THREE! Later Lynn called and said that she needed my recipe…that she’d tried to duplicate it but he said, “the sauce wasn’t right.” What sauce???? This recipe is too simple for sauce. Hope you enjoy it.

Cook rice or have leftover rice available.

Heat 1 T. oil (I like coconut) in a large skillet.

Add to the hot skillet your choice of assorted fresh or frozen veggies, cut into bite-sized pieces. You’ll need several cups of veggies. (I use 3-4 cups.) Start with those that need to cook the longest.

I often use:

Green beans
Snow peas
Red or green peppers

Cook til “crisp-tender.” Then add some cooked, cut-up chicken to the skillet. Mix the chicken in with the veggies.

To season, add:

1 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper (or more)
1 t. sugar
1 T. soy sauce (I use gf tahini)

[The original recipe calls for the rice to be stir fried in with the other ingredients. We prefer to serve the chicken/veggie mix over plain brown rice. You can also stirfry in a beaten egg if you like.]

Optional condiments: I like to add peanut sauce. My husband likes to add red pepper sauce. The kids like it “as is.”

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