Monday, August 25, 2008

Trip to Vermont

I am NOT very good at mixing work and play.

I was hired for a 2-day job in Vermont. Since dh and I just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary, we thought it'd be fun to combine a work trip (he was able to do some work at an office just 2 hrs. south of my location) with an additional day of sightseeing.

But I am not very good at post-job relaxation!!!!

After teaching a workshop, I am wiped out. I just want to kick back, relax, and do nothing. Instead, we got in the car and drove around Vermont. We did have fun, but it was hard for me to let go of thinking about the workshop and just enjoy the here and now. It was also VERY hard for me to leave my children 3000 miles away and fly with dh in a jet. I don't like to fly. I especially don't like to fly knowing that my children's only parents are together in a jet.

But we did see some fun stuff. First off, Vermont is beautiful. It's one of the few places in the U.S. that I've visited that I could say, "Yeah, I could live here." Our home area is so beautiful that I rarely see any place that compares to it. But Vermont did a pretty good job. I especially could get used to the teaching conditions. When teachers told me about their classes of 13-17 kids I about had heart failure. In comparison to the 30+ kids/class around here, that was shocking.

We drove around a lot of country roads just looking at the scenery, houses, etc... We saw Stowe and the Trapp Family (Von Trapps...Sound of Music) lodge. We toured the Ben & Jerry's ice cream facility and had a sample. We stopped in Jericho and accidentally came across an exhibit on "Snowflake Bentley." I was excited about it since Snowflake Bentley is one of my favorite books. We especially enjoyed walking Church St. in Burlington and watching the street performers.

Loved Vermont. But so glad to be home again!!!

I'll load a few pix when I have a chance.

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