Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Want to Post, But No Time....

It's that time of year! I'm only sitting here for a moment while I wait for 'LilDude's gluten free bread dough to rise. The rest of the family is at the fair and I'm trying to get odds and ends done.

I think August is the busiest month of the year. I often have workshops in August (do this year!) ...at the same time that I'm trying to put food away for the winter. This morning the kids picked the green beans and I snapped most of them, blanched them, and put them in the freezer. I think I did about 12 quarts. I also blanched and froze a couple bags of broccoli and about 5 bags of zucchini chunks. It'll all get used this winter. We had emptied one of our three freezers and turned it off to save electricity, but it's time to turn it back on...the other two freezers are full to overflowing and my parents are still storing a bunch of frozen blueberries for us.

We're eating like crazy out of the garden: cucumbers, broccoli, beans, lettuce (tons of salads!), snowpeas, zucchini. Today 'LilDude picked a few delicious remaining strawberries, the sweetest we've had this year. The blueberries are coming to an end, but there are still a few out there. The tomatoes, green peppers, cabbage and corn are on the way.

Sunday dinner was fun. Grandma and Grandpa came to church with us. Eating out was discussed, but I couldn't see taking eight people out to eat when the garden is overflowing with produce. So we came home and I sent the kids out to gather whatever they could find: snowpeas, zucchini, yellow squash, green beans, green pepper, broccoli, greens. The kids helped me wash and chop. I pulled some of our cooked chicken (the free range birds we buy) out of the freezer and made a huge stirfry to eat with rice. Added a bowl of blueberries for dessert. Delicious! I think we were done faster than if we'd gone out to eat.

So now you know where I've been...

Off to check my bread. ;)

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