Monday, September 22, 2008

Groundnut Stew (a "10" says 'LilDude)

In our home we like to sample foods from many different countries and cultures. One of my favorite cookbooks is Extending the Table...A World Community Cookbook. It contains foods from the majority of countries in the world using recipes that don't use overly exotic or hard-to-come-by ingredients. And the best part? Most of the recipes are very kid (eating) friendly.

Tonight I made a revised version of "Groundnut Stew" from Ghana. 'LilDude said that he'd rate it a "10." That says a lot coming from a 6-year-old!

Here's a photo of my plate. It's a little deceiving since I went back for thirds on the rice/stew. :)

Here's the recipe with my revisions. Taken from Extending the Table...A World Community Cookbook

Groundnut Stew (Ghana)

In heavy frypan or saucepan, brown in 1 T. oil:

1 lb. round steak, chuck, or stewing beef, cubed (I used chicken tonight)

When browned, add 1 T. oil and saute:

2 c. onions, chopped (I use less)
1 clove garlic, minced


ground red pepper to taste
1/2. t. ground ginger or 1 T. ginger root, minced (I freeze extra ginger root)
2 c. stewed tomatoes or 2 large fresh tomatoes, mashed (frozen works, too)
1 beef bouillon cube (I used vegetable)
1 t. salt
2 c. water
reserved beef (or chicken)

Cover and simmer 30 minutes, or until meat is tender.
In a small bowl, mix:

1/2 c. peanut butter (I use chunky)
1/4 c. liquid from stew

Slowly stir peanut butter mixture into stew. Cover and simmer, stirring frequently, another 30 minutes. Add more water to thin, if necessary. Add more ground red pepper and salt to taste. Serve with rice. (I use brown.)

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