Friday, October 17, 2008

Day 18, Spices (93...Free!)

Today I refilled spice containers. I buy spices from bulk bins (Bob's Red Mill, Winco, various co-ops) and store them in the freezer to keep them fresh until needed. On the odd occasion that I can't find bulk spices and have to buy a new bottle, I'm always astounded to see the price difference.


  1. In the freezer? Even the dried ones? I think I just had a revelation!

  2. Yes. I just keep them in the little bulk bin baggies from the store and then put multiple baggies in a big zippered bag. I pull them out to refill jars whenever they are empty. I've never had a problem. I did the same thing with a big bag of rice from Costco. I put it in the freezer in zippered gallon bags and pull one out at a time as needed. Actually, I do it with flour and all my gluten-free baking supplies as well...refills are waiting in the freezer.

  3. That's awesome! I bet the spices stay so much nicer than when they are just hanging about in the cupboard. It would free up space for me, too!

  4. >>I bet the spices stay so much nicer than when they are just hanging about in the cupboard.

    Yep! Keeps 'em fresh!!!
