Sunday, October 26, 2008

'LilDude Would Like to Announce...

"I am going to be a big brother!!!!!"

New little brother is 2 1/2 years old. We don't have "LOA" (letter of acceptance from China) yet and won't for several months, so at this point that's all we feel free to say in a wide public forum. Well, that and a couple more things...

* 'LilDude says (and I quote), "I'm excited and I can't wait to go to China to pick him up!" He also said, "Are you going to hold ____ while you wait for me at the bus stop?"

"I might. What do you think about that?"

"Great! Then Terri (the bus driver) is going to say, 'Who is that?'" [Then laughs like he has a terrific secret.]

'LilDude is thrilled to pieces about the whole thing. I couldn't have asked for a more open, accepting reaction.

* The new I - 800 a process is horrendous. But God must have intervened because it wasn't nearly as horrific as anticipated. So thank you to God and our Social Worker who also helped to speed the process along. I think working with China will be a breeze after working through the U.S. process. The U.S. process wasn't very user friendly.

* Prayers are most welcome from anyone who would like to intervene on our little guy's behalf. A speedy process would be in his best interest.

With much excitement...

Off to nest... ;)

~a truly Rich Momma! ;)

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