Saturday, January 31, 2009

Budget Gratitude

Now that I've whined about the budget, it's time for some gratitude...

I have many, many money-related things to be grateful for, but I must mention one in particular that I've thought about many times over the past couple months.

Over a year ago, when a little child's face called to me from a photolisting, I wasn't thinking about money. But here's the cool thing...

Even while I wasn't contemplating money, God was preparing a path for us. In this past year, I have been presented with more job offers than any time since I left my full-time job. In this economy, that's a miracle. How ironic is it that a curriculum adoption year and our child's adoption would intersect at just the right moment?

The jobs fit into my life as a full-time SAHM with a house full of kids. I've had parents close by to back me up with childcare. I've had a husband/kids with willing hearts to take on a little extra work.

God provided for a need before we even knew there was one.

That's cool.


  1. My grace is sufficient......
    Thanks for this post, my friend.

  2. That's exactly what I was going to respond to your "whining." In our experience, God provides just what we need when we need it to remind us that HE is the provider. No economic downturn will keep Him from continuing to do so.
