Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Book Review: Banner in the Sky

Rudi Matt, a 16-year-old dishwasher, wishes to climb mountains like his father who died trying to conquer the greatest and most terrible mountain in Switzerland, The Citadel. But his mother and his uncle will not let him. Now Rudi along with Captain John Winter, whom he saved from almost certain death, must try to climb past the “fortress” where his father met his end. Then they must climb on and on beyond the shoulder and then to the top of the immense and powerful mountain.

I really liked Banner in the Sky because of the way the author described each character’s feelings. For instance, he showed how Rudi was longing to climb the mountain that his father couldn’t. One of my favorite things about this book was the fact that there was never too little action. I also liked how the author build up to the climax very well but didn’t overdo it. One example is when Rudi gets stuck on the mountain overnight in the freezing cold. He was terrified of the ghost stories he’d heard and the author turned this into a very frightening and suspenseful venture. I would recommend Banner in the Sky to anyone who likes a good adventure.

--by Anakin

1 comment:

  1. This was my all time favorite book growing up. I don't know how many times I read it. I read it again for the first time in years just last fall and discovered it held the same appeal as before.
