Thursday, May 28, 2009

Home from CHINA!

We're home from China with our very adorable, 3yo son. Here's a teaser photo:

I'm hoping to transfer my rather long blog/travel journal to a public blog in the next week or so. I know I would have dearly loved updated swine flu/travel info for China before we traveled.


  1. SOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!! Blessings to you!!!!! Can I bring you guys a meal? Seriously, like when people have a baby--you've just added a new baby to your family!!! :) Let me know, I would love to!

  2. GG is happy! Love the outfit.Zoe from Canada with DD Alexa 28 mos. old from Guangxi (Yulin SWI). Gotcha Day October 27/08.
