Monday, June 1, 2009

Foster Family Contact

I am so, so grateful to be in contact with GG's foster family. I've gotten several emails from them including what appears to be journal entries of sadness in anticipation of losing him. This morning I received this:

The sky is like listening to music,He will hear the fast-paced dance along with,Teach him to sing two will sing, strong absorptive capacity.
He is like the popular deep-fried food, but it is easy to inflammation of the throat.
Grandpa does not like the camera, almost no family photos, the future I will give you a new photo sent.
I am not very good English, you may see some do not understand. If you have the translation, I Chuan Chinese to you.

I wish you happy every day!

This is so precious to me now and will be so valuable to GG in the future. If you have the opportunity to be in contact with your child's foster family, don't hesitate! :)

1 comment:

  1. What a dear testament of love! Can you even imagine us being able to get that much together to say in Chinese?! Wow!
