Friday, June 5, 2009

Foster Family Letter

I decided to go ahead and post this for a variety of reason... I think it's good for people to see how much Chinese foster families love their foster children. And I want to share what a special boy GG is.

This is written by the girlfriend (to be married) of the 3rd son of the family.

The following messages are parts of my diary I wrote for GG after [GG's foster mother] received your letter last year.

October 30, 2008
GG is a very smart little boy! After he spent 20 days in the orphanage, Aunt (GG's foster mother) brought him home. Now he is two and half years old. GG is a very good boy and has very sweet heart. Every time I went over to their place for dinner, he always came to the door to greet me and found shoes for me to wear inside the house. When dinner was ready, he always sat by me. GG had eaten food by himself since he was very young. He likes meat but not fish, and he likes vegetables but not leaves, such as peas and carrots. He doesn't like to drink a vegetable soup. After he is done eating, he always tells us how full he is, then he runs outside to play. In the afternoon, he takes a nap by himself and he never cries after waking up. When the people to to work, GG goes outside to play from 9:00 to 11:30 in the morning. After lunch and a nap, he goes outside again from 3:00 to 5:30 in the afternoon, then he comes back home for dinner in the evening. If grandma keeps him out late, he would call grandma and say "Grandma, Hurry up! little sister (lives in the opposite building) is waiting for me".

He has a very strong personality and protects himself very well. He never lets other kids take advantage of him. He likes music very much. Everytime he listens to rock 'n' roll, he dances to the music. He has an excellent memory. When we taught him a new song, he learned very fast. It wouldn't take him very long and he can sing that song very well. He doesn't like to have his picture taken. If you don't take his photo within 3 secands, your job is done. He wouldn't let you take it again.

He likes talk a lot. He can speak Cantonese and Mandarin. He is a such sweet little boy. When I brought a gift for him, he always gave me a lot of kisses and told everybody he knew what he got from me. He is a very brave boy too. Everytime he gets shots from hospital, he never cries. After he has his shots, he never forget to say thanks and ask the nurse to give him a CANDY.

I was in the bed this morning, Aunt brought GG into my bedroom. She asked me to help care for him because she has to go to orphanage very early today. By noon, she came home and looked worry and sad. She brought a letter and photos from the orphanage. The letter from a America family who will adopt GG introduced the family's members and their home and told us they love and care for GG. The letter was so moving that it made us cry. After we read letter and saw the photos, Aunt felt much better and she said " God bless him! He'll have a happy life and bright future there. We pray for him!"
GG, We will miss you very much!

May 18, 2009
In the morning
From now on, GG will have a new home to belong to. He will have lovely parents just like other children. We are so happy for him.

In the afternoon
Just sent GG away. Watched him crying his eyes out, our hearts were broken. When I left him, I can not help it, my tears come out just like river,so that I can not see anything. Aunt didn't say a single word when we came back.She looks sad and tired because she hadn't slept for a few days. We all missed him very much. Agents are so inhumane at the orphanage. They didn't want us to have any contact with the adoption family; they didn't even want to give us the adoption family's telephone number. Before GG left, he held my photo and said he would come over to sleep with me tonight. Right now, he had left us.....possibly never to see him again. The more I think about him, the sadder I am, I start to cry.......

May 19, 2009
Last night was a long night for all of us! I woke up at night. GG's cute little face was in front of me. GG recently had a lot of nightmares and cried and looked for Aunt when he woke up at night. Hopefully, he is OK now. God help us! Before GG leave China, let us see him one more time and give us a chance to say goodby to him. GG, Are you OK? You know we missed you so much!

May 20,2009
GG, Are you OK? we all missed you. Grandma cried and she always calls your name no matter who she sees, She said she took care of a lot of kids, but you are the best. Yen Yen, little sister, is not happy because nobody plays with her. Bing bing, a big brother, is lonely because nobody is with him. When I go over for dinner, there is no little boy to say "Hi!" to me and give me indoor shoes and kiss me anymore. I never hear that lovely voice "Aunt, come over tonight for dinnr!" All gone, but only a lot of memories left......

May 21,2009
When I go over to their place for dinner tonight, Aunt told me the interpreter called. GG will leave China after 5 o' clock on Friday evening (May 22,2009). In the morning on May 22, His new parents will visit us. Agents in the orphanage didn't allow us to see GG again. God knows we are missing GG. The kindness of the interpreter and the America adpotion family gave us a chance to see GG for the last time. Finally Aunt smiles again. All of us were so excited for next day coming.....!

1 comment:

  1. This made me tear up. What a wonderful gift she's give GG by documenting their love for him. I love how she explains the loss they're feeling, but also talks so positively about her hope for GG with his American family. This is a message he will be able to cherish -- an important piece of his early years!
