Saturday, August 1, 2009

China Foster Family Skype #4...and Feelin Good

They asked for it. ;)

This morning Ayi sent me a note asking if GG could Skype so her boyfriend (aka "Uncle") could see him. By the time I got the email and GG, it was 45 minutes later and 12:45a.m. China time. We rang. They answered, though it took awhile for Uncle to come to the computer, so perhaps he'd been asleep in his jammies? Everyone said about 2 minutes worth of hi and bye. When I first asked if he wanted to Skype, GG said no, but he was very busy playing outside, so I figured that was the reason. When I asked if he wanted to see them for just a minute, he agreed. So hi/bye and back out to play.

Just wanted to say FEELIN GOOD.

Just finished picking one sack of green beans.

Two little boys are out playing peacefully in the dirt.

Two bigger kids are about to snap beans.

Picked a big 'ole heap of plums.

Dh is hanging fences in the still coolish air.

Oh, and while the big green monster lived here full time a few weeks back, he's now only stopping in for occasional visits.

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Cynthia, your life sounds like it is really hitting pace and I'm so very happy for all of you!! :-)
