Friday, September 4, 2009

Zucchini Casserole (...or "Ketchup Toast for Lunch??")

Worked outside the home the past two days. Unusual. And exhausting for everyone. Lizzi and Anakin tackled babysitting duty, reporting on GG's unusual lunch on day 1:

*1/2 piece toast spread with Ranch dressing

*1/2 piece toast spread with peanut sauce

*1/2 piece toast spread with ketchup

...and a few leftover eggs from breakfast. He ate it all up. I can're drooling all over your computer screen just thinking about how tasty it sounds. ;)

Anyway, if we're going to succeed with our food budget this month, I need to think about cooking. Today we're starting out with:

baked oatmeal w/ fresh peaches & milk

baked potatoes (from my parents' garden, thanks!)
broccoli (garden)
corn (garden)
chili (blah, out of a can, but I worked yesterday, OK?)
grated cheese

Dinner (made by Lizzi):
zucchini casserole (see below)
cherry tomatoes
sliced green peppers

Zucchini Casserole

6 c. sliced (and perhaps quartered) zucchini
1 can condensed cream of chicken soup (warning: this is not g/f*)
1 c. sour cream
1 c. shredded carrot
1 (8oz) pkg. seasoned stuffing mix (not g/f*)
1-2 c. chopped, cooked chicken

Cook squash and carrots briefly on stovetop or microwave with a little water, enough to lightly soften. Drain. Combine soup, sour cream, chicken and fold in veggie mixture. Place 1/2 stuffing mix on bottom of 12x7 pan. Spoon chicken/veg mix on top, covered by remaining stuffing. Bake at 350 for 30 mins.

G/F* note: LilDude is still largely g/f, but he doesn't seem to be doing badly on a limited amount, so we're sometimes having a meal or two with some gluten. However, you could easily modify this recipe to make it g/f.

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