Sunday, October 18, 2009

China Blues

While the boys were at my mom's, GG (3) told her he was sad to leave China. Again this morning in Sunday School, out of the blue, he said, "Sad. China."

Several months ago I showed him China on the map. Now, he occasionally pulls it out and tells me about how we flew from China. Then he'll point to where his foster family is and where we live.

He seems to have vivid memories of the adults, particularly Ayi (aunt) and NaiNai (foster mom.) But the memories of his closest playmate (a 4yo granddaughter who lived with them) are fading and he seems to get her confused with his current playmate, 'LilDude.

It's hard for an adult to comprehend. Can't imagine how hard it must be for him.

I continue to be grateful for foster family contact. Looking through the photo book given to us by the orphanage, I paused again at one baby picture. It just didn't look like the other photos of GG. For months now, I've harbored serious doubts that it was him. So I emailed the photo to his ffamily. This morning brought a reply. "Oh, this is GG. The clothes that he wore are still kept now." Wow. Although I never would have been so brazen as to have tossed the photo, it did cross my mind. But it's my baby. A baby I cannot recognize without help from those who "knew him then..."

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